…on How Many is *too* Many?

Yesterday was a monumental day - my daughter turned 4! That’s what you thought I’d be telling you about, right?

OK… perhaps celebrating a toddler birthday isn’t worthy of a blog post from someone focused on Digital and Retail Media - though those of you with kids would probably agree it’s tougher business.

Yesterday the Path to Purchase organization kicked off their Path to Purchase Institute LIVE and there have been so many exciting updates already to come out of it. Have you heard? Retail Media is HUGE - and there are lots of players entering the space, or establishing themselves as more invested, engaged offerings.

7-Eleven has launched the Gulp Media Network to help connect Brands with consumers who are focused on “immediate consumption purchase occasion[s]”. It’s a shift from some of the early entrants to the Retail Media space - 7-Eleven seems to know that consumers are loyal to themselves and fulfilling their needs - and when Gulp has an opportunity to capitalize on that with & for their partner brands, there is also data to back the opportunity.

Uber has been in on the game, but made a more formal announcement of their Ads offering today, called Journey Ads. With 122MM+ active monthly users, Journey Ads is already working with notable brands such as NBCUniversal and Heineken. In addition to the benefit of marketing (you know, connecting engaged consumers with relevant messages), it sounds like Uber is touting Journey Ads as a lever they’ll pull to manage the cost of Uber trips to their customers. That’s something anyone can appreciate given the rising cost of everything.

If you’re a brand who feels like you’ve already been inundated by Retail Media offerings and you’re trying to make sense of which way is up, and what’s best for your business, how to get the most out of your Retail Media partners, or just need some guidance on what the state of the market is, please reach out. The Kramer Consult was established to make sense of Retail and Digital Media - and the market is ripe for new approaches, some that I bet we could establish together.


…Thankful Reflections


…on not counting yourself out