…Thankful Reflections

It’s almost December 2022, so I’m beating everyone else to their end-of-year posts - perhaps I’ll give the trend an early jump start? Everyone, come join me in reflecting on where this year has taken us.

For me, this year has brought a welcome intersection of personal and professional highs.

Without the timing of parental leave early in the year, I’m not sure I would have had the gusto to decide 2022 was the right time to step out on my own in my professional life. This may sound like a joke because any parent knows that parental leave isn’t free time, nor is your brain functioning at 100% when you’re up all night, elbow deep in bottles, diapers, laundry, newborn attitudes and competing priorities. So perhaps I’m thankful that blurred vision kept me too busy to wonder if I’d feel successful in starting my own endeavor.

I’m thankful for an incredibly supportive family. My husband and I have pretty different work lives, but without a complete understanding of what my plan was, he’s completely (albeit somewhat blindly!) supported my ambitions. I have entrepreneurship in my blood - my parents and siblings have also dabbled (or dove) into their own businesses and have been cheering for me, giving support, introductions and encouragement all along the way.

And, I always knew I had met a lot of cool people along my path in work life, but I think I underestimated how loud my colleagues and connections would be willing to cheer for me, refer me, introduce me and employ me. I have loved reconnecting with people from all parts of my former work lives, and love that my solo endeavor has created new opportunities to collaborate in all sorts of ways this year. Although my intentions were to focus on independence, I’ve found I am having the most fun in working with so many smart and excited people along the way!

Thanks to everyone who has connected on LinkedIn, over email, snooped on my website, read my posts, liked something I’ve shared, made an introduction or reached out to connect. I am thankful for all this year has brought and I am so excited for 2023. If you think I can help you grow your business, please reach out - who knows how we might be able to collaborate.


…on How Many is *too* Many?