…on Making Connections

It’s not likely that you all have been pining away, waiting for my next post on business musings. But on the off chance I’m wrong, and you have been, I’m here to quell your need for The Kramer Consult Business School lesson of the month. Today, I’m here to encourage everyone to reach out and make the connection with someone - it could be a LinkedIn connection, a former friend or colleague, someone you crossed paths with 10 years ago and haven’t spoken with since - it really doesn’t matter who it is - if you think there might be some relevance between you and another person, why wouldn’t you say hi?

Not just once, twice or three times - but perhaps nearly a half-dozen times in the past month - I have reached out to a far-away connection and found myself with meetings set up, excited counterparts on Zoom and phone calls, introductions to additional potential collaborators and in-roads to new clients - not the norm, but nothing to sniff at, either.

The more I reach out, the more I realize how welcoming other entrepreneurs are - there are so many people cheering from the sidelines and if you ask them to join the party, there is very little likelihood they’ll say no. But if they do - and sometimes that happens - something that someone shared with me recently was that they’re not saying “no” to me - more likely just saying “no thanks, I don’t need what you have right now”.

If you’ve been thinking of reaching out to me - because you’re curious about what I’m doing, you’re a nosy fellow media friend, or perhaps there is even some opportunity for us to collaborate, why wait any longer? My inbox is open and I’d love to meet with you, really!


…on not counting yourself out


…on Retailers beyond Material Goods